Think Leadership Ideas

7IC Org Leadership

Get On the Same Page with Strat Maps

Leadership OF an Organization
Working ON your business, not just IN it... and make it exceptional

Session 7 ~ Strategy Maps:
A Tool for Getting Everyone on the Same Page

Previous 7 Ideas Coach sessions have discussed how DIRECTION, PERFORMANCE, INNOVATION, STRUCTURE, and CULTURE are core leadership concerns of any organization. How can leaders put them all together into a coherent whole? Try Strategy Maps.

Strategy Maps originated as a key part of the Balanced Scorecard model developed by Norton and Kaplan of the Harvard Business School in the 1990s, and is widely used in business, non-profit, and public organizations.

A strategy map, or strat-map, is a one page document that shows how specific high level objectives - financial, customer outcomes, operations, and learning - link strategically in accomplishing the organization’s mission and vision.

This session covers seven things you will want to know about strat-maps, and how you can use them to get everyone in your organization on the same page.

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7 Ideas Coach... 7 tips in 7 minutes for busy leaders

Lead Organizations, Work ON Your Biz -
overview article

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additional resources

Create a Strategy Map for Your Organization - how Think Leadership Ideas can help
Get on the Same Page with a Strat-Map - THINK! leadership article

Cultivate CULTURE

Leadership OF an Organization
Working ON your business, not just IN it... and make it exceptional

Session 6 ~ Cultivate Culture

Previous 7 Ideas Coach sessions have discussed how DIRECTION, PERFORMANCE, and INNOVATION are core leadership concerns of any organization. How do leaders to attend to these concerns?

Two tools that leaders can use to influence direction, performance, and innovation within their organization are STRUCTURE and CULTURE. I think of structure as the banks of a river, giving direction to the water’s flow. I think of culture as the current in that river that pulls people along, unless they make an effort to do otherwise. We focused on structure in the last session - this session focuses on important strategies leaders use to shape their company culture so it adds value.

Culture is what people do when the boss isn’t looking. Organizational culture is the behavior, attitude, and atmosphere that happen by default - unless there is intention and effort to do otherwise. If you aren’t paying attention to the company culture, you might be missing a powerful means to accelerate productivity, profitability, employee retention, and customer satisfaction – in short, your organization’s success. Listen to this session for practical ideas for cultivating your organization’s culture...

click the image below to hear this week’s coaching session

7 Ideas Coach... 7 tips in 7 minutes for busy leaders

Lead Organizations, Work ON Your Biz -
overview article

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Leadership OF an Organization
Working ON your business, not just IN it... and make it exceptional

Session 5 ~ Initiate Structure

Previous 7 Ideas Coach sessions have discussed how DIRECTION, PERFORMANCE, and INNOVATION are core leadership concerns of any organization. How do leaders to attend to these concerns?

Two tools that leaders can use to influence direction, performance, and innovation within their organization are structure and culture. I think of structure as the banks of a river, giving direction to the water’s flow. I think of culture as the current in that river that pulls people along, unless they make an effort to do otherwise. We’ll focus on structure in this session, and on culture in the next.

Structure is the tangible and intangible architecture of how your organization is constructed - and structure drives human behavior. Listen to this 7 ideas Coach session to hear about four categories of structure important for leaders to understand, and three important ideas to consider when thinking about the structure of your organization.

click the image below to hear this week’s coaching session

7 Ideas Coach... 7 tips in 7 minutes for busy leaders

Lead Organizations, Work ON Your Biz -
overview article

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Leadership OF an Organization
Working ON your business, not just IN it... and make it exceptional

Session 4 ~ Initiate Innovation

The great business advisor Peter Drucker spoke of innovation as a new dimension of performance.

Previously we described how organizational leaders need to articulate direction - i.e. communicate why the organization exists, what it needs to do, and how it should go about doing it. Leaders then need to attend to how well the organization performs moving it that direction, i.e. measure performance.

In a fast changing world, ensuring DIRECTION and PERFORMANCE is not enough. Leaders must initiate INNOVATION... yet innovation requires change, which may directly contradict direction and performance. Savvy leaders find ways to attend to them all.

In this 7 Ideas Coach session, we cover 7 ideas that are important to consider for attending to innovation in your organization.

click the image below to hear this week’s coaching session

7 Ideas Coach... 7 tips in 7 minutes for busy leaders

Lead Organizations, Work ON Your Biz -
overview article

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Leadership OF an Organization
Working ON your business, not just IN it... and make it exceptional

Session 3 ~ Measure Performance

Performance - the work of the organization - is one of the 5 core concerns of organizational leadership that need focus, alignment, and attention (direction, performance, innovation, structure, and culture).

In this 7 Ideas Coach session, we cover...
  • three ideas to keep in mind when thinking about your organization’s performance;
  • four categories of performance you will want to include when determining performance measures.

click the image below to hear this week’s coaching session

7 Ideas Coach... 7 tips in 7 minutes for busy leaders

Lead Organizations, Work ON Your Biz -
overview article

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Articulate DIRECTION

Leadership OF an Organization
Working ON your business, not just IN it... and make it exceptional

Session 2 ~ Articulate Direction

As the great Yogi Berra so artfully observed, “if you don't know where you're going, you might not get there.”

Establishing the direction of your organization and communicating that direction is an essential task of leadership. It is one of the five core concerns of organizational leadership: direction, performance, innovation, structure, and culture.

In this 7 Ideas Coach session, we cover the WHAT and HOW of articulating direction...
  • WHAT - four essential elements that need to be included when leaders establish direction;
  • HOW - three things that are essential to keep in mind for communicating, for articulating direction.

click the image below to hear this week’s coaching session

7 Ideas Coach... 7 tips in 7 minutes for busy leaders

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One Page Way leadership article

Answer This Question

Leadership OF an Organization
Working ON your business, not just IN it... and make it exceptional

Session 1 ~ What Experience Do You Create?

Great pricing, quality, and customer service alone won’t accelerate your business.

In today’s marketplace, businesses need right-priced quality products and services along with great customer service just to be in the game. For non-profits, NGOs, and public entities, doing good work and operating efficiently is a baseline. Organizations that win our attention are those that meet our higher-level needs – personal attention, belonging, identification, meaning, and image... in short, they create a distinct experience.

This ‘coachcast’ explores why asking “What experience Do We Create?” is essential for working ON your business and being a leader OF your organization. Experience is the unifying factor for the 5 core concerns of a leader that will be discussed in future sessions.

click the image below to hear this week’s coaching session

Keywords for this 7 Ideas Coach session...
  • Distinction of Value
  • Customer POV
  • Don’t Stop at the Customer
  • This Means You
  • Consistent - Dependable
  • Congruent - Authentic
  • Coherent - the Story

7 Ideas Coach... 7 tips in 7 minutes for busy leaders

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Work ON Your Biz Leadership

Leadership OF an organization
is more than leadership IN it

Executive Overview Session