Think Leadership Ideas

Complexity and Change Leadership

Change and Transition Coachcast Series

In his book Solving Tough Problems, Adam Kahane identifies three types of complexity:
  • Dynamic Complexity - how close cause and effect are together in space and time;
  • Generative Complexity - how much the future is or is not like the past; and
  • Social Complexity - how much people connected to an issue have common assumptions, values, objectives, experiences, and perceptions.
Implications for leaders…
  • The Level of Complexity is Increasing for All Organizations Whether Large and Small or Business, Public, or Non-profit
  • Increased Complexity Requires a Different Kind of Action
  • Highly Complex Issues Require Increased Need for a Facilitative Leadership Style
  • Increasing Complexity Impacts Personal and Organizational Leadership Development
Leaders who are exceptional, who transform organizations and make a difference in the world, will need to demonstrate a full range of character - courage to take bold action, humanity to connect with others, wisdom in understanding the world, and resilience to embrace creative change.

related article: Complexity and Leadership Style
book review - Solving Tough Problems (coming soon)

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